This module will elucidate the fundamental processes of film nucleation and growth and how they can be manipulated by low-energy metal and gas ion fluxes to achieve high-quality films at low deposition temperatures.
- Control of microstructure evolution during sputter-deposition
- Film growth processes-nucleation, coalescence, competitive grain growth, recrystallization
- Zone diagrams
- Epitaxial growth
- Effects of reactive species.
- Use of low-energy ion bombardment to control microstructure during low temperature film growth
- Effects of sputtered atoms energy
- Effects of gas ion energy
- Use of high fluxes of low-energy gas ions
- Metal-ion assisted growth – dense, stress-free films
- Use of synchronized bias in HIPIMS
- Kinetic roughing and surface facet formation
- Texture inheritance
- Metal-ion etch and adhesion control
- Self-organized nanostructure formation
- Thermal segregation and renucleation – random nanocomposites
- lon-assisted segregation – highly-oriented nanocomposites; equiaxed to columnar transition
- Resputter-yield amplification: HfAIN
- Self-organized 3D superlattices via vacancy ordering
- SiOx, Nanowires by ion-enhanced vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth
Ivan Petrov
PhD, D.h.c., Professor
Materials Research Laboratory, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Department of Physics, Linköping University, Sweden